5 Reasons Why should we learn HTML in 2024? Is it Mandatory?

Why should we learn HTML

To become a web developer first, we want to learn HTML. Now the question is why should we learn HTML to become a web developer. Before learning anything, there is a question in our mind why are we learning this thing, we also have a question in our mind, and only if we get the right answer to such a question, we can learn what we are learning in the right way. The same question arises in the mind of students who want to become a developer.

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Here are some reasons why should we learn HTML is beneficial:

  1. You’ll be able to create your unique website
    Learning HTML will ensure you can design your unique website without help. You can create your own website with the help of a template, but your website will look like others’ websites, if you want your website to be unique, attractive, and different than others, you should definitely learn HTML.
  2. It is easy to learn
    Unlike other programming languages, HTML is very easy to understand and learn. There is no need for any computer science degree to understand it. Just a basic knowledge of the web will be enough. If you spend a few days learning the basics of HTML, you will be able to create your own unique web pages. Practice makes perfect.
  3. Earn more money without worrying about your current job
    If you are in a field where you don’t need these skills, you can still learn HTML and do freelance work for individuals willing to pay for your services. As your experience increases, you will get more freelancing work.
  4. Better Understanding of Web Technologies
    HTML is the foundation (base) of other web technologies like CSS and JavaScript. Knowing HTML will give you a better understanding of how these technologies work together to create dynamic web pages.
  5. Career opportunities
    Proficiency in HTML is highly valued in various professional fields. Web development, web design, content creation, digital marketing, and many other roles require knowledge of HTML. Learning HTML can open up opportunities for freelance work, entrepreneurial ventures, or even full-time employment.

How long does it take for a beginner to learn HTML to become an expert?

How long it takes to learn HTML depends on how much time you can give in a day. If you give it two hours a day you can learn basic things completely in eight to fifteen days.
To become an expert in HTML, you have to practice continuously as practice makes you become an expert. Practice makes perfect.

What are the 5 uses of HTML so Why should we learn HTML

  1. Creating Web Pages: HTML provides the basic structure for displaying content on the internet, including text, images, links, and multimedia elements.
  2. Building Forms: HTML allows you to create interactive forms that users can fill out and submit on web pages. Forms are used for various purposes such as collecting user data, conducting surveys, and processing online orders.
  3. Adding Multimedia: HTML supports embedding multimedia elements such as images, audio, video, and interactive content like animations and games into web pages. This allows developers to create engaging and dynamic user experiences.
  4. Enhancing Accessibility: HTML provides semantic markup elements that help improve the accessibility of web content for users with disabilities. By using proper HTML tags and attributes, developers can ensure that web pages are navigable and understandable by assistive technologies such as screen readers.
  5. Facilitating SEO: HTML plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) by providing structure and metadata to web pages.

What are the best resources to become an expert in HTML?

To become an expert, first of all, the most important thing is that you should have passion and a great attraction towards learning about code.

My best suggestion is just to start learning yourself. Learn basic things from w3school. To become an expert in HTML, you should have solved some quizzes so that your concepts will be clear. In a quiz, you will get some interview questions.

Try to solve as many quizzes as possible, the more quizzes solve, the more confidence you will have in answering them. The questions that are asked in the quizzes are the same questions asked in the interview. Try to solve as many quizzes as you can.

HTML in 9 Minutes (in Hindi) – Why should we learn HTML

Solve the below quiz and check how much basic knowledge you have about HTML. You will get answer of Why should we learn HTML?

Created on By quizlancer

HTML Basic

1 / 10

1. What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink?

2 / 10

2. What is the correct HTML for making a checkbox?

3 / 10

3. In HTML, which attribute is used to specify that an input field must be filled out?

4 / 10

4. Which HTML attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed?

5 / 10

5. How can you open a link in a new tab/browser window?

6 / 10

6. What is the correct HTML for making a text area?

7 / 10

7. Which HTML element is used to specify a header for a document or section?

8 / 10

8. What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break?

9 / 10

9. What does HTML stand for?

10 / 10

10. Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:

Your score is

The average score is 70%


FAQ on Why should we learn HTML?

Why is the HTML important?

When creating a website, HTML is the foundation that holds all the content and design elements together.

What is the HTML full form?

Hypertext Markup Language

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